Day 2,465 – Awareness of hidden grief

Grief is the kind of thing that comes in waves, swelling and receding. It hides within our everyday lives, appearing when least expected. It leaves behind countless sunrises full of hope and late nights that sparkle like Hollywood lights. Some dinners are joyous, encapsulating the feeling of freedom from that ever-oppressive cloud. Our hobbies, routines, … Continue reading Day 2,465 – Awareness of hidden grief

Day 1,521

Do you ever wake up to the sense that you were waited on? Whether it is self or another, your eyes flutter open and for a second you feel completely present mixed with arriving for a holiday embraced in joy.One of my favorite artists is Taylor Swift.I relate to her self reflection and desire to … Continue reading Day 1,521

Day 1,461

Dave’s death day has been stalking me.Like a song stuck on repeat.Or chosen repetition.I’m never sure if I create my own black holes or if I do truly just stumble and fall within.I laid my hand on the tile again.It’s cold with droplets of warmth from the running shower.This feels so much like my grief.... … Continue reading Day 1,461

Day 1,455

This weekend a family lost a pivotal piece. Opening the ever malicious social media I was greeted by a goodbye post. I read through it and my heart sank.Fuck.... what was his real name!He was well known by a nickname.As was Dave.I scrolled through Facebook seeing post after post.Being in October stings in ways you … Continue reading Day 1,455

Day 1,442

When I woke up Sunday morning I felt that same old trepidation.Rolling over there was my son.Breathing softly.I watched the rise and fall of his chest as rays of sunlight swept across my bedroom.Highlighting dust floating the air and reflecting off of tchotchkes lining my window sill.The purple brontosaurs stuffed with an unkillable purple succulent.It … Continue reading Day 1,442

Day 1,428

"September Song"- Agnes Obel Please listen to the musical selection while reading to properly experience In January, I want to say, I started listening to podcasts on my way to work.It began with ones about astrology or tarot.Back then I was constantly seeking.Not sure what I was looking for but that had really been a … Continue reading Day 1,428

Day 1,426

In 2017 I remember being beyond excited to get to moments like this.Sunday.Sun rising.The perfect fluff on the pillows behind me from a night of mushing and flipping them all over.That early morning stillness draped across the house.The sound of Ajs little snores. One of my cherished nosies in the world!In the room at my … Continue reading Day 1,426